Having gas appliances serviced annually helps make sure they continue to run safely and efficiently.

You could qualify for up to $125 in total rebates when you have a licensed gas contractor service your furnace or boiler, tankless water heater and/or fireplace(s) between July 1 and September 30, 2023—and apply online by October 31, 2023. These appliance service rebates are only available for a limited time, so visit our Trade Ally Network online directory today to find a licensed gas contractor close to your pad. Questions? Send us an email or call 1-855-909-2329. 

With summer approaching, now is the time to make sure your AC system is in good shape to keep you cool through the coming months. And for those without central AC, it may be time to think about getting a system installed.

Installing or replacing a central air-conditioning system is a big expense, so you’ll want to get it right. That means choosing a system that will give you solid performance, year after year.

When it comes to HVAC Services such as Furnace, Boiler, Air Conditioning, Tankless, Hot Water Tank & Gas Fireplaces, Customers are usually unsure if the heating system should be repaired or replaced. What many don’t know, is that you don’t need to completely replace your heating or cooling system when you can save and fix them!

Angels Heating and Cooling’s expert technicians can help and give you the best advice. We provide on-site visits or give you free quotations for installing a new system.

Call us now at 604-969-7770 for an appointment & to schedule a quality in -home consultation.

Angels Heating & Cooling
